Susie Marie FIT Mama Fitness

A single sarcastic mama working hard to be a positive influence on friends, family and her mini man! PROUD �

Hello health enthusiast and/or enjoyests!

I'll start with who I am! My name is Susie and I's a 32 year old single mom to a little tornado 4 year old boy named Mason.

Professionally, I'm a co-starter and previous admin to the group Durham HomeMADEmaker, co-creator of the small business supporting platform Durham Mom Approved, I work a full time job at a minor hockey organization but most importantly I am a full time fitness coach helping people find their purpose/place in this crazy world!

Personally, I went to school in Wisconsin and played hockey, I've been playing baseball since I was 4 and have an almost 10 year old Puggle pup named Hercules.

I enjoy working out at the but crack of dawn - 5:15am to be exact - making fun healthy meals (YouTube is awesome for videos) and helping people others find their happiness.

    Personal Coach, Sports & Fitness Instruction

      Pagina facebook

      Whitby, Canada

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