Dream Body Fitness

Voto 4.9 (media su 261 pareri)

Masters of Fitness, Nutrition, Support! Come for the results stay for the members!

From my earliest memories I wanted to be a Superhero. Not necessarily a comic book superhero but someone who could represent strength and justice. Someone who wouldn't allow bad people to hurt others or myself.
I wanted this so bad because I grew up in an abusive home with a step-father that fit the "super-villain" role. I wanted to be strong enough to stop him from abusing my Mom, brothers, and I but I was just small and weak and he made sure to remind me of that. I carried a lot of shame for shit I didn't understand or need.
This led me to being very combative in my teens. Acting out and fighting to prove I wasn't weak and powerless like I was at home. I liked drinking to "make me brave" because deep down I believed the B.S. (belief systems) he ingrained in me about being weak, lazy, and worthless.
Gratefully I had others in my life (Grandma, Aunts, Friends, etc) that worked to counter his destruction but it stuck with me and still does today. I am much more capable of recognizing those patterns now and can arrest them before I let them bring destruction or loss into my life.
But I did this ON MY OWN. I made a decision to learn about myself and my shitty habits or belief systems that held me down. I don't always win but I am always aware and I am ALWAYS striving to be a better person FOR ME. Our decisions create our life and our beliefs are the fuel. They can light you up or shut you down. You get to decide what to believe in. Thats why it is so beautiful, we have the choice to make it better. We have the power.
As some of you know one of my greatest outlets was when I discovered weight lifting and fitness. This little outlet has done more to benefit my life than anything else outside of my beautiful wife's support. Lets face it without Robyn I would not be the man I am today. She is my TRUE "WHY". The reason I get up in the morning.
Another reason I get up in the morning is because my fulfillment comes from helping others break free of their B.S., bullshit, Belief Systems that keep them limited in their growth, both physically and more importantly emotionally.
We are driven by emotions and when we don't take control of them they can lead us to destruction, pain, guilt, and a loss of purpose. But when you gain the ability and knowledge of how to control them (or at least how to manage them) you can have the life you have always wanted.
My life revolves around getting people to see their worth and act on it. Break down barriers, build themselves, grow their awareness, and then share that with others. I prefer to lead by influence and example. Does it always work? No. So I keep working on myself to be a better leader and example.
Actually that is what I believe we are all here for. To improve ourselves individually, master it, and share the experience.
I have chosen my "weapon" of execution to be my philosophies, my gym, and my products. I can and do use Dream Body and Moxie to help people surpass their limitations because I know what if feels like to carry around belief systems that were not my own, I only adopted them. I know what it feels like to take something like fitness and dive in without looking back making it my lifestyle is the best decision I ever made! For me and others.
Personal Confidence mixed with a Sense of Purpose, Service, and Gratitude is a recipe for world change yet more importantly PERSONAL change. Change the individual and we change the world.
Your choice may not always be pleasant and at times very painful but what you learn, and adopt will change your life for better.
Therefore I want to invite you to dig deep inside yourself and find what it is that may be holding you back from your GREATNESS. Follow the trail without shame. I guarantee there is a better, happier, more fulfilling life on the other end! What do YOU believe about yourself? Write down the good, bad, and ugly then start the work to eliminate the bad and ugly by FOCUSING on all the GOOD inside you.
Dream Body Fitness is just one path to change and growth but is an excellent way to build confidence, clarity, and support. Each of us has been through it and are still working on ourselves to master it. We want to share it with you.
You are amazing, focus on your amazingness and build on it.

50+ Classes Weekly
All Fitness Levels Welcome
THE BEST gym atmosphere in Meridian Idaho
THE BEST Results in Meridian Idaho
Your First Class is FREE! Come Try Us Out
Call Today For More Info (208) 371-3503

    Gym/Physical Fitness Center, Fitness Trainer, Community Organization

   (208) 258-7624

      1756 W Cherry Ln, Ste 120, Meridian, United States

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