Carrie Kreps Kiss and Makeup

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#Lipsense and #SeneGence #Distributor and cosmetics junkie! LipSense is your #Kiss #Proof #Long #Lasting #All #Day #Lipstick! I am a pharmacist with a love for all things smart, sweet, and pretty! #Where Can You #Order #LipSense? From me, of course!

#LipSense by #SeneGence - MY STORY

I would #LOVE to help you create your #LipSense story! The summary of mine goes something like this: "Really? Lipstick that stays on all day? No way!!! $55 to get started selling it: WHAT????" (FYI, I signed up to start selling LipSense before I even tried it on.) That was in October of 2016.

*** ALSO, THIS AMAZING COMPANY PAYS FOR MY BRAND NEW 2017 INFINITI SUV *** All of these great benefits are for real!
*** You might think the income and the above have been the best part about SeneGence, the amazing LipSense products and this amazing journey! NOPE! The best part is all of my amazing clients that love LipSense as much as I do :-). Also, I have traveled around the country and have met some of the most amazing, powerful, and entrepreneurial women in this great country. SO MANY amazing women in my upline, on my team and throughout this great country. ***

And just to be clear: I don't do this full time, it's just a side gig: I am a hard-working, laser-focused pharmacist fully committed to my company - I give it 110%. I am also a proud and involved mom and wife.

Schedule an appointment here to talk LipSense or to discuss joining my team:

You see, I live a life of "ANDS": I can AND I will work hard to lead my team (just ask them how much I them) AND I am a hard-working Pharmacist, AND a loving WIFE, AND a fun, loving, and involved MOM. #ICANANDIWILL

If you know me, you know I don't tell you this story to brag-that's not who I am, I tell you MY STORY so that I can help you start writing yours. This is real.

A FEW OF THE DETAILS: $55/year and that's it! Sign up online and immediately purchase LipSense and the entire SeneGence line of products at huge percentages off retail. Immediately begin working towards a FREE CAR (I was eligible for a car after less than 4 months of part-time selling). Immediately begin working towards exotic trips and sales bonuses! Be your own boss and build a life of abundance! I'm here to answer questions and help you build your LipSense Empire!

The growth potential RIGHT NOW for LipSense and SeneGence is unbelievable! We don’t really do any selling - the amazing products “sell” themselves. All we do is SHARE the products with amazing women and it is so much fun! If you wear your stripes, work at it, ask questions and listen to learn, the success you achieve will blow your mind!

The United States is a BIG PLACE!!!! I want to share #LipSense personally with everyone in the Country but that might not be physically possible :-). The Solution - I need YOU! LIKE YESTERDAY! My team is growing exponentially every single day.
$55 to join this team. The women on my team are amazing, beautiful, powerful and they are rocking it!
How is this opportunity different?
1). Close to 100% of women wear LipStick.
2). We all desire a solution to "The Lipstick Problem." (It gets all over everything).
3). LipSense is the solution. Once you share this solution with others, they will LOVE it (I never dreamed I would go to a gathering of friends and friends of friends and every single amazing woman there would leave with LipSense and they Love, Love, Love it! Just like I do!
4). LipSense solves a problem that all women already have so there is no "selling" or "convincing". All you do is "SHARE" and "EDUCATE."
5). The women you share LipSense with can see immediately that it works. Again - no selling or convincing.
6). The buy-in for you is only $55. Not hundreds of dollars.
7). The barriers to purchase are non-existent. LipSense has 36+ colors (and 1,000's of color combinations you can create) and lots of Gloss. YOU ARE NOT ASKING PEOPLE TO SPEND HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS. Each color is $25 usually, and each gloss is $20 usually (I say usually because we have a special diamond collection that costs a little more: colors are $30 and gloss is $22---so pretty!). Shipping is $2.61 and it is satisfaction guaranteed.




VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND DISCLAIMERS: Any mention of financial or other benefits that I have achieved as an Independent Distributor for SeneGence International and LipSense do not and are not to be interpreted to indicate or promise, whether actual or implied, that you will achieve the same results. Your results may be better than mine or worse than mine. My results are not a guarantee that you will have the same results (duh :-) ). I am an Independent Distributor and not employed by SeneGence International or LipSense and do not have the actual, implied, presumed, or any other authority whatsoever to incur any liability on behalf of the company or bind the company in any way. You will also be an Independent Distributor. You have to work your business in order to grow and have amazing results but I will help you, answer your questions, provide you resources, etc. YOU CAN DO THIS!
*** SeneGence has had as many as 80 colors of LipSense in the recent past. You may see posts on this page for a color(s) that is not currently in production or that was a limited stock color, etc. If you contact me about a color or gloss that is not currently in production, has been discontinued or is not currently in stock, then I will let you know and will assist you in choosing a similar color and gloss to meet your needs.
*** Carrie Kreps Kiss and Makeup is a division of Changing Your Life, LLC and Carrie Kreps is a member of said LLC.
*** SeneGence International®, SeneGence®, LipSense® and all of those listed here (search SGII, Inc.) is the registered trademark of SGII, Inc. DBA SeneGence International. The use of said trademarks or names or any other information (whether or not the ® symbol is used) within this page, any website, or other social media platform is not intended to infringe on said trademarks or claim any ownership of the same whatsoever. Carrie Kreps, as a member of and through through Changing Your Life, LLC DBA Carrie Kreps Kiss and Makeup, is an Independent Distributor for SeneGence International® and sells products manufactured and offered by the same and, other than said Independent Distributorship, is not associated with or sponsored by SeneGence International®.

    Health/Beauty, Makeup Artist, Massage Service

   (205) 527-8375

      1932 Laurel Road Suite 1B, Vestavia Hills, United States

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