Awaken Personal Enlightenment

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I am a heart felt entrepreneur and I promise that I will share that many benefits of what I offer at the end of my story.
"My fight with Depression and how Laughter Yoga saved my life."

Hello my name is Angélique. Let me just say I loved to laugh and joke and have fun,. I was the life of the party. Yet I never really felt happy inside. It was easy for me to be the clown and to joke and have fun make people laugh. What no one saw was my internal struggle with depression, It had been eating me alive since I was a youth. I suffered in silence for years. Ashamed of these emotions. It all came to an end when I had to take a personal stress leave from my job and made that choice not to return. My journey for internal happiness and Joy began. I had suffered long enough and it was about time I began to live my truth. Through my search to find my internal happiness I found Laughter yoga. Laughter Yoga allowed me to let go of inhibitions and reconnect with my truth. Allowing me to be playful and to share my contagious laugh. I was smiling and laughing all the time. I felt radiant and youthful and so full of JOY! Laughter Yoga allowed me to reconnection with my inner child. Through the journey of letting go I reflected back to my years as a Youth. I had enjoyed being by myself and the quiet that came with it. I reconnected with this quiet through exploring a variety of mindfulness meditation practices. I found one in particular practice that was transformational to my life and to many that I introduced it to. That practice is a Labyrinth Walk. A walking Mindful Meditation. Learn more about this under the Discovery Sessions Offerings tab.
Life isn't always easy I have hard moments. However! I no longer let depression take control of my life. I make the choices & I choose laughter, Joy and peace within. My biggest realization through this journey is that happiness had always be inside me.

Laughter Yoga has many health benefits. Its a powerful anecdote for depression, reduces stress, anxiety, increases energy, gives you positive mental attitude to go through difficult and challenging times, plus much more.

Mindfulness Meditation Labyrinth Walk + allows you to find calm in your daily life, helps with sleep, engages creativity plus much more.

It is my mission to provided a space for individuals to let go of inhibitions and to create a life of Happiness, Joy and Peace Within.

I love to share my offering with groups, schools, senior, Conferences and more.

Awaken Personal Enlightenment came from my journey.
Awaken... I was awakened when I became open to find my way.
Personal... It was a personal Journey.
Enlightenment... I become authentic to my true self. I Let go of ego.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service

   403 504 7736

      Medicine Hat, Canada

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