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Productos Naturales elaborados a base Iones de Plata para la Salud.

In the first place it is very important to get to know the formula of the products in Sanité’s Family. Each one of them is made from the same basic formula which contains: Water, Citric Acid and Silver Ions. Differently from our competitors, Sanité’s products are made with Nano technology, that is nano particles of silver. This assures the safety and vanishes completely the risk of getting the particles trapped in the body tissues. Sanité’s Nano-particles are released from the body within 24 hours.
1-Sanité as a Microbicide
Sanité’s Nano-particles have a positive electromagnetic charge within. Microbes instead have a negative electromagnetic charge which, according to the physics, in the magnetic part, opposite charges tend to attract. So when a harmful microbe is close to a positively charged silver ion, they attract, (fatal attraction), and when they touch, the silver ion releases the electric charge and damages the cell membrane, destroying also the inner parts causing the microbe its death. This happens to the five families of microbes: fungus, bacteria, virus, parasites and protozoa, and with the advantage they cannot mutate against the silver ion attack, because it is physical, not chemical like in anti-biotics. So Sanité’s products constitute the best allied against the fight against any microbe which causes diseases. Above all, 99.999% of effectiveness and NO side effects at all !!!
2-Sanité’s second range of action.
Silver ions in Sanité’s products have a molecular movement which causes an electromagnetic wave to be released, and when it touches the human cells produces three benefitial effects:
1-De-inflammate tissues
2-Relief pain
3-Accelerate the production of mother cells, or stem cells, responsible of replacing the damaged tissues in our body, at a speed 10 times faster than in normal conditions
So when a wound is present, Sanité’s silver ions are going to de-inflammate the tissues, relief the pain and finally replace the damaged cells at an incredible speed ten times faster than in normal conditions. That’s why results are so effective and quick when treating wounds with silver ions in Nano-particles from Sanité.
3-Sanité and its effect over the Immune System
Everything in this universe uses energy to work. According to the law which states that energy is not created nor destroyed but transformed, the energy contained in the silver ions in Sanité provide with the essential fuel to activate and potentiate the Immune System, to start working in balance. And what is the function of the Immune System? Heal the body from any disease. So, once you activate the Immune System, it is exactly what is going to happen.
So just add: 1-Microbicide + 2-De-Inflammate tissues, pain reliever and cell regenerator + 3-Fuel for the Immune System= Total Health.
Isuggest you not to believe, test it !!! It is going to do MORE than you can read here.


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      250 metros oeste de la antigua Rotonda Rancho Guanacaste Calle Paralela a la circunvalación contiguo a Muflas CortésEdificio Sanité Azul 2 plantas, Hatillo, Costa Rica


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