Massage and Reiki by lucy

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Swedish Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Lymphatic drainage Massage, Reiki, Aromatherapy Massage, Indian Head Massage, Angel Healing, Distant Healing, Warm Bamboo massage. Annesley Grove Torphins 07502013799


I offer discount block bookings @ 5 treatments for the price of 4. They can be tailored to suit your needs, you can mix and match where possible. Reiki goes with all treatments, especially Pregnancy Massage

There's a lot of people unsure what Swedish massage is and most people don't fully understand the benefits of massage. So I hope this helps.

Swedish Massage (£20-£32)

Swedish massage therapy is the most common type of massage that relaxes every part of the body from your head to your toes. Using long sweeping strokes the blood is directed back towards the heart. This not only relaxes the client but helps to increase oxygen in the blood flow, remove toxins from muscles( that's the knots) improve circulation and leaves you feeling more supple and flexible. Massage helps to boost the immune system and releases feel good hormones relieving depression. Massage is seriously good in every way and the feeling afterwards is the best bit.

Reiki. £10-£25)
Often when you read about it the words 'love and light and energy' are used. That's great if your into reiki. Not so good if you want help in feeling better and have no understanding of Reiki
It is impossible to describe Reiki. Even once you've received reiki treatments you can't describe it. This is why a lot of people are unsure if it works or not if they've never tried it. It doesn't help that no one can find the words to describe it. Sometimes when it works or you get results people think it's by coincidence that things change, whether pain has eased or you feel a weight off your mind. I'm happy with coincidences. They happen a lot these days.
So the first thing you want to know is....
Relaxed is the most obvious feeling with reiki. Within 3-5 minutes your breathing becomes deep like your sleeping but you still hear everything around you. I believe you fall into a state of meditation that you can't nessesarily achieve on your own. This helps to clear your mind and relax certain muscle aches and in turn relieve pain.
The second thing you feel with reiki is heat. Especially on the problem area. This is energy. the warmth keeps everything relaxed but also starts to work on problems. You don't feel anything moving or changing. There is no miracle to be felt. Just the warmth from my hands (that are usually pretty cold) and the relaxed feeling where your almost asleep.
All I do is place my hands on your body. I start from your head and slowly work down towards your feet. I cover your chakras and I work on the problem areas.
(A little something on a familiar chakra or 2.....when your sad you get a sore throat. That's a chakra. When your nervous you get butterflies in your tummy. That's another chakra. It's that simple.) I will do more info on chakras another time
I just place my hands on your head or other areas and hold them there for 2-5 minutes. I also go into a relaxed state of meditation with you and I'm very content in that frame of mind.
One client had a lot going on. She was stressed and also had a lot of sore ailments. Now I didn't cure her in anyway and I will never cure her but I do give her much needed relief from time to time. It's just that she explained how she felt afterwards so perfectly.
Her words were....' It's like someone has separated my body from my mind, sorted them out and put them back together again. It's like nothing matters and I feel nothing.
Those are probably the best words ever to describe Reiki. There are no thrills. There are no miracles. You don't have to believe or be religious. Reiki is honest kind energy that we are surrounded by every second of our lives.
Everyone has the ability to heal and be healed.
Reiki and massage really compliment each other well. I use different combinations for certain problems.
A quick note. Reiki is suitable for everyone. From babies to adults. However the youngest age I do reiki on is 5 and the parent must be present. Babies are best to have reiki from their mums.
I will be teaching reiki 1 later this year. It's very simple to learn and the benefits are fantastic.
I hope I've helped a little bit in understanding Reiki. If it was easy to understand we would all be using reiki. It's our lack of understanding that's holding us back.

Pregnancy Massage(from 3months on)(£40)
There's a lot going on in a women's body whilst pregnant. With so much hormone changes taking place, Muscles weaken, joints become more soft, breasts become tender. Your skin 'glows' as your blood flow increases and you feel aches and pains you've never had before.You can't change these symptoms but massage is 1 way your midwife would recommend to help relieve them. Massage helps regulate your hormones(pregnant or not) and helps relieve tired muscles. Stress, anxiety and tension can be relieved. Fluid retention, morning sickness and headaches can be helped through massage. It can help with breathing as oxygen travels around the body better, helping nutrients travel around your body easier which is also much better for your baby. The treatment also includes some Lymphatic drainage massage and acupressure and this encourages your body to expel toxins more efficiently. There's a lot of positive features about PM and I think just the thought of a good massage into the back(and a facial is included) is enough to justify having one, but the hidden benefits are an added bonus.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage(£25)

Lymphatic fluid travels around the body, not dissimilar to your blood flow except Lymph doesn't have a pump system to help. We need our lymph to flow to remove toxins from our body that's excreted through our waste on a daily basis and to help our body fight infection. Some times lymph can become stagnant and the most obvious symptom of this is swollen feet/ankles. MLD is a very gentle massage(with great results) that can help remove excess fluid from the body but it also helps Acne, Allegies, Asthma, blood pressure, illnesses, tired limbs, It boosts your immune system, which in turn boosts your skin, rids cellulite and helps with tiredness(e.g M.E) There are a lot of positives from Lymphatic drainage massage yet its the most gentle relaxing treatment.

I have more treatments coming this year, I'm currently studying Indian Head massage, Indian facial Massage and colour therapy to name a few. I will be looking for case studies so keep a look out for free treatments in the near future,

    Massage Service, Alternative & Holistic Health Service


      Annesley Grove,, Torphins, United Kingdom

  Parking interne, Parking dans la rue

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