Inlakesh massages and treatments

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Inlakesh offers: Thai Yoga Massages, Deep or Gentle Oil Massages, Cranial Sacral Treatments and Reiki Treatments with loving attention and healing intention.

Inlakesh massages and treatments is a one-woman massage service located at the beautiful and magical Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Regularly Inlakesh resides temporarily in Costa Rica.

Inlakesh (In lak´ech) is a Mayan greeting. It means: I am you, and you are me. With love and compassion coming from realizing the essence of this phrase, I offer you my bodywork.

I have been a practitioner for more than 10 years and was initiated in the healing arts in the Netherlands and Costa Rica. I keep on studying and applying other techniques, further filling my ´toolbox´ to serve your well-being in the best way I can.

At Inlakesh all massages and treatments are given with loving attention and healing intention. You can choose from:

Thai Yoga Massage
This combination of traditional Thai massage and Chinese acupressure removes blockades in energy flow, giving the body a self-healing boost. Deep exhalations during the yoga stretches help to release stored up emotions, further supporting you to enter a higher state of well-being.

Deep or Gentle Oil Massage
Deep and releasing or gentle and relaxing - according to your need - this intuitively given full body oil massage sets the mind at ease and helps the body to reconnect with its natural state of health and wholeness. Chronic pain created by emotional and physical patterns can be softened and sometimes instantly released with triggerpoint techniques. The organic macadamia oil is a super food for the skin.

Cranial Sacral Treatment
Gently following the rhythm of the fluid around the brain and spine, this light-touch treatment enhances the body´s own healing abilities. Still aware of your surroundings, you can feel like being in a dream state, while becoming more conscious of your energetic body and the energy surrounding you. Specific places needing extra love and attention receive additional Reiki.

Combinations of different types of bodywork are possible, for example a Deep Oil Massage followed by a Cranial Sacral or Reiki Treatment. Physical and energetic bodywork complement each other perfectly, try it out!

All massages and treatments last one and a half hour and cost 350 Q or 60 $. Locals receive discounts.

NEW! Sound Healing
Every type of bodywork can be combined with a personal sound healing session! The alchemy of vibration guides you into a deep inner journey and supports your healing process in profound ways. Offered by Phoenix for 150 Q.

For more information or to book a massage or treatment, send a Facebook message to Inlakesh or send an e-mail to or call +502 4901 3287 (Guatemala) or +506 8493 3668 (Costa Rica).


    Massage Service

   +506 84933668


      Finca Morpho, Puerto Jiménez, Costa Rica

  Parking interne


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