I-Body Works and Yoga

Classes are designed to create an environment, and opportunities, for students to explore the inner terrain of their body through movement, stillness & breath. Hopefully succeeding more integrated movement and heightened awareness of core intelligence.

Megan Lindemanis (RYT-200) of Downeast Massage Therapy is leading movement classes designed to connect students with the vitality within our body.

"i-Body" Works classes are movement-based body inquiry classes including gentle stretches, soft-tissue release using props, some guided self-massage and restorative poses intended to find greater ease in the body.

Gentle Yoga classes include a combination of meditation, guided breathwork, Hatha-style (held poses) & gentle flow yoga poses as well as restorative/yin-style poses to restore the deeper soft-tissue.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service

   (207) 853-4083


      848 US Route 1, Pembroke, United States

  Parking interne

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