ZFlow Power Yoga - Teacher Training, Classes, Workshops & Retreats with Zeek Vincent - TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE! - www.zflowpoweryoga.com
Take a giant step towards changing your world and the lives of others. Immerse yourself into a deep journey of self-discovery with Zeek Vincent and his nationally-recognized teacher training program. Powerful, uplifting, life changing are just a few accolades for this comprehensive course. Above all else, this training gives you the skills, knowledge, experience and confidence to deepen your practice as well as to become a superb and compassionate teacher. Beyond learning more than you ever thought about yoga’s asanas, alignment, history and its spiritual aspects, you cultivate parts of yourself that were waiting to be explored and deepened. You gain the necessary tools to become an effective instructor by
“getting out of your own way” … letting go of the physical and emotional barriers so you can connect with your authentic self and be your best. A new exciting adventure awaits you. Make room for it!
Yoga Studio, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, School
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