The Gym Yamba

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The Gym Yamba: "To help people become healthier and more athletic versions of themselves". You set the goal. We help you achieve it.


For a long time I've followed the 'fitness industry' and offered Fat Loss Challenges and Muscle Building Transformations with the hope I was achieving what I got into this industry for in the first place.

But I was wrong........Very wrong.

My job isn't to provide you with short term aimless goals such as "a 6 week six pack" or "drop 10kg in 28 days" or "build 5kg of muscle in 6 weeks".

In doing that, I'm moving away from my WHY. Why I pursued a career in this industry in the first place?

It is "To help people become healthier and more athletic versions of themselves". That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. If you focus on that, then any goal you want to achieve, will come to fruition.

Sure, all those goals above are great goals (maybe a bit overzealous, but goals nonetheless) and it's great to have goals like these. But they need to be personal. Mean something to you. And be achieved without disrupting the metabolic health of your body! This is where I believe the industry is failing. Getting you a promo six pack is more important than the long term health of you. Your body. Your hormones. Your digestive system.

Surely you know someone who has a great six pack, but can't get pregnant. Or is awesome at training, but has an irregular menstrual cycle. Or eats 'clean food' but takes thyroid medication. Is super fit/muscular, but has the sexual drive of a pushbike (I couldn't think of anything funny - ha). This isn't acceptable nor is it meant to be normal. There are stacks of stories like these.

Being 'unwell' is normal....and it shouldn't be!

I also heard today via some feedback that many people are 'scared' to come and train with me at The Gym Yamba. That's my fault. I'm sorry. I haven't been providing you with the right message. The message that enables you to make the clear & comfortable decision to walk through the door and train with us. Knowing full well that we will bend over backwards to serve you. To provide with all the education you need to exercise correctly with zero injuries, to support your training with optimal nutrition and feel like a million bucks would look in your bank account! Bloody fantastic! ;-)

So let us ALL please get off the fat loss merry-go-round and understand the importance of a lifetime of good health and exercise. Let us here, at The Gym Yamba, support you in your quest to be the absolute healthiest, fittest, strongest and fastest version of yourself!

Sure, set some goals. Make them a priority. But let us help you achieve them via expert guidance and over an appropriate time-line. These are your WHYs. Not mine. I shouldn't be setting you 'fat loss' or 'muscle building' goals. My job here is to train/coach you to achieve the goals you want!

Another question I get asked regularly is "So WHAT do you here? WHAT sort of training?"

I think 'what' we do at The Gym Yamba is relatively irrelevant. I can never explain it well enough to make sense and feel like I turn people away - I failed them. They WANT to train, and I didn't give them the information they wanted to hear to achieve that 'want'. I've tried to explain it so many times, but it lacks conviction. And I think that is because I talk about our WHAT rather than our WHY.

So here is where I'm going to be different. WHY we do WHAT we do is way more important. And that is: "To help people become healthier and more athletic versions of themselves"

We will provide you with the training and structure that you need to achieve your goals. Being that they are 'YOUR' goals, then your training is specific to you. Even in our group training, I adjust the program individually to compensate for injuries, imbalances, joint pains, or even personal preferences.

The Gym Yamba believes in YOU. For Change. For Good Health. For Overcoming Fears. Doing things you've never done. Coaching you to do things better. Helping you feel better about yourself and building a better version of You!
That's all it is.

Look forward to meeting you :-)


Matt Carlin
Owner of 'The Gym Yamba'

    Personal Trainer, Personal Coach, Gym/Physical Fitness Center



      16 Uki Street, Yamba, Australia

  Estacionamiento interno, Estacionamiento en la calle


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