Shoken Defence ,MMA and Fitness

Vote 4.9 (promedio de 42 opiniones)

Photos ,scheduling and events will be posted to our page!

We offer several different classes:
Cardio kickboxing-if you are looking for a butt kicking workout then cardio kb is for you! This class is open to any level-beginner , intermediate and advanced It is a fun , energetic workout that will improve your endurance cardiovascular fitness ,tone muscles and strengthen your core.
Body fit- is a high intensity interval training class that will strengthen , tone and sculpt your entire body leaving you feel alive and energized at the end of class! This class will challenge all major muscle groups using exercises such as lifts , curls, squats and presses.
MMA- our MMA classes utilize different instructors to teach the art of fighting as a combat sport. Boxing ,kickboxing, Uechi-Ryu Karate , Kung Fu and submission wrestling are covered in these classes.
Kid's beginner kickboxing(ages 7-12 years) A fun ,safe environment for kids to learn the basic skills of kickboxing while reaping the benefits of cardiovascular . All participants are required to have proper gear before attending classes (see us for details)

Prices : Punch cards available for any classes.
$50.00-5 classes
$100.00-10 classes

cardio kickboxing - offered 7x/week

Bodyfit-offered 2x/week

MMA-offered 4x/week

Kid's beginner kickboxing-offered 3x/week
(ages 7-12 years)

Monday-0900-1000-cardio kb
1:00-5:30-private lessons
5:30-6:30-cardio kb
6:30-7:30-Learn to box

Tuesday-1:00-5:30-private lessons
5:30-6:30-kid's beginner kb
7:30- MMA

Wednesday-0900-1000-cardio kb
1:00-5:30-private lessons
5:30-6:30-cardio kb
Every second Wed night will be an MMA class.This will be posted.

Thursday-1:00-5:30-private lessons
5:30-6:30-kid's kb

Friday-0900-1000-cardio kb
1:00-5:30-private lessons
5:30-6:30-cardio kb

Saturday-1000-1100-cardio kb
1100-1200-kid's kb

Sunday-No classes .Open matt time will be posted.

    Sports & Fitness Instruction, Gym/Physical Fitness Center, Sports Club



      12 Webster Street, Kentville, Canada

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"Relájate... con un clic"