Sea Dreams Orgone

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Wilhelm Reich discovered a way to measure Etheric Energy around us by using a geiger counter. He designed orgone energy generators that led to him healing terminal illnesses, like cancer. The organic & inorganic materials used in the devices change negative ions to positive ions without the use of electricity. This formula brings balance, health, wellness & overall positivity to all beings in proximity.

Lightworkers around the globe have been constructing these beautiful generators to not only gift the people in their lives, but animals & the entire planet Earth! Placing orgone next to your WiFi, computers, microwaves or any other radiowave-producing object helps to collect deadly orgone energy replacing it with positive orgone energy. This magic works continuously.

Orgone crystal healing art is a mixture of catalyzed resin with metal shavings, particles or
powders poured into moulds. Based on the work of Wilhelm Reich, It is said to attract aetheric
energy similar to Reich’s Accumulators. Crystals are added to make the energy more coherent
& to address specific issues via crystal healing. Orgone crystal healing art is a substance that
functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient energy transmutation device
drawing in negative lifeforce energy & transmuting it into positive energy.
About Sea Dreams Orgone
I was called to work with this beautiful healing modality in 2013 after I purchased a piece and
discovered the healing benefits for myself! I couldn’t believe the positive effects I saw on my
family and myself. As a nurse, Certified Crystal Healer & someone who has always worked with
crystals, gems, minerals, herbs & oils-- this was a natural evolution in my healing work.
Crystal healing is the foundation of my orgone alchemy. People from all over the world
commission me to create healing art specific to their needs. I find out the issues they are facing
such as anything emotional, physical, spiritual, environmental (EMF), medical etc.. I then tune in
and create a crystal recipe personalized for those specific needs & any intentions they desire to
be set. All crystals are cleansed with the moon, the sun, water, white sage, cannabis smoke &
other orgone. All pieces are infused with Reiki, love, light & highest frequency healing intentions.
Cured with 528 Hz DNA/Chakra cleansing music.
How can I help you on your healing journey? ♥ ~Shelly Rose, CCH Certified Crystal Healer
www . seadreamsdesignco . etsy . com Instagram Sea_Dreams_Orgone, FB Sea Dreams Orgone
*Not medical devices. Not meant to treat, diagnose or replace medical care*

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service

      PO Box 2144, Grass Valley, United States

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"Relájate... con un clic"