The Rhea County Community Center, Rc3, provides wellness, sports, and healthy programs for all in Rhea County helping people of all ages, abilities.
As most members of our community know, the YMCA of Chattanooga has decided to cease operations of the Rhea Family YMCA beginning December 31, 2015. However, we are pleased to announce that the facility and all programming, with the exception of licensed before and after-school care, will continue to be a part of our community beginning January 2, 2016! The new non-profit organization is The Rhea County Community Center (Rc3), and we look forward to serving this community for years to come. The rich history and overwhelming support for this organization has enabled this quick transition, and we are thankful.
Rc3 will continue to offer our wellness center, group exercise classes, Silver Sneakers senior fitness classes, youth sports including soccer, tumbling, and aquatics, and the warm, faith, family, and fitness atmosphere we have all enjoyed. The organization will help people of all ages, abilities, and incomes reach their full potential offering everything you'd expect and so much more.
Gym/Physical Fitness Center, Community Center, Community Organization
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