Apeiron Center for Human Potential

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Apeiron Center for Human Potential partners with you to optimize all areas of your health so that you can create an epic life.

Human Potential Medicine (HPM) is a new field of medicine that represents a paradigm shift to a new vision. Contemporary medicine is focused on the treatment of illness and prevention of disease whereas HPM focuses on utilizing our medical technology and advancements to enhance human function and performance. It is a strategic process that involves evaluation of all aspects of the “human system;” body, mind and spirit. We use a precision medicine based approach taking into account each individuals physiology, genetics, genomics, and their expressed needs to create evidence-based therapies to promote youthful longevity and peak performance. Our goal is to assist each client to move beyond his or her limited condition to a limitless state of human potential.

    Medical Center, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Medical Company

   (828) 505-8087



      190 Broadway St, Asheville, United States

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