
Rating 5.0 (average of 236 opinions)

VidaFit offers you a positive, fun, empowering atmosphere and an amazing fitted out facility where you can come in & train to your absolute best.

Whether you are someone who has never trained before, returning to exercise after a bit of a break or you are an experienced athlete, at VidaFit we have you covered.

We have rings, pull up rigs, barbells, bumpers, kettle bells, sleds, ghd's, dumbbells, wall balls, ropes, rowers, assault bikes, tyres, dead balls, boxes & loads more. The entire gym is matted out for your safety & comfort.

We offer huge variety with of over 110 different classes per week across our North Rocky & South Rocky gyms, we cater for all ages & fitness levels and we will help you take your enjoyment of training to a whole new level and keep you motivated and on track.

Our diverse programming & awesome coaches provide expert coaching which will help you move safely & get the absolute most out of your body.

The atmosphere & culture of our gym is like nothing you have ever experienced before. It is the most friendly non intimidating environment where you can come in & worry about nothing but doing your best & having loads & loads of fun.

Oh and did we mention we have a cute little coffee shop & snack bar & to top things off our amazing facility is climate controlled for your exercise comfort!

We sweat, we laugh, we grunt, we work hard & we laugh some more. Join Rockhampton's most popular and best fitness facility for the absolute time of your life.

    Gym/Physical Fitness Center


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      403 Yaamba Road, Rockhampton, Australia

  Parking in the street


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