Prairie Spirit Wellness - BodyTalk

Prairie Spirit Wellness goal is to help you along your journey of health and healing. BodyTalk can treat a number of physical and mental issues.

BodyTalk is a holistic therapy that helps restore natural healing. Our innate wisdom ensures that our body operates with synchronicity. Every system, organ, and cell in the body is in constant communication with each other. Breakdowns in communication occur from day to day stress resulting in a decline in emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing. Using non-evasive techniques, BodyTalk restores the lines of communication assisting the body to return to its natural healing state. Helping the body to improve its overall wellbeing and with prevention of disease.

Our health is a story. BodyTalk helps to bring awareness to the underlying causes of illness. BodyTalk respects the body's own needs and determines your body's priorities for healing. BodyTalk is designed to address the "whole-person". No aspect of a person is overlooked – emotional, physical, or environmental. BodyTalk understands the profound influence of the psychology of the body on our health. BodyTalk addresses the whole person and their individual story.

My journey with BodyTalk began in May 2013. I had been experiencing unexplained digestive problems for a few months. All medical testing – blood tests, scopes, and ultrasounds; came back without a physiological cause for the symptoms. My option was to continue to take medication without an explanation for the medication. That wasn't an option I felt comfortable with. BodyTalk found me or I found BodyTalk through a good friend. She had sought help for her health with BodyTalk, had amazing results and became a practitioner. I began having sessions with her mostly out of curiosity. Within a few months of having regular sessions I was able to stop all medications prescribed for my digestive problems. BodyTalk has transformed my life in many ways. It not only has helped with the acute symptoms that brought me to BodyTalk but has helped me with emotions, self-esteem/self-worth, thyroid imbalances, anxiety, depression, food intolerances, frequent throat infections, and colds, eczema, and sinus infections just to name a few.
My passion for BodyTalk grew and grew and I took the leap into becoming a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner in February 2016, becoming certified in September 2016. I continue to learn and grow as a practitioner through attending advanced module classes. Each class not only adds more depth to my practice but also to myself as a person.
I am a mother of two boys, married, and I enjoy creating as an intuitive artist. Some of my favourite pieces of art have been created during or after receiving distance BodyTalk sessions.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service


      709 Victoria Avenue, Indian Head, Canada

  Parking in the street


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