O yoga

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O is the zero, the blank, the multivalent yet undetermined O is your personal slogan, make it your own yoga

O yoga digs into the transformative power of yoga, not as a static tradition but as the most contemporary of practices, by blending the best from the east and the west. Whatever your practice, we love the mix, we love the blend, we love the space you are able to create. O blends Iyengar School, Anusara School, and Vinyasa Yoga. The Iyengar School provides a methodology of precise anatomical and physical alignments and instructions. The Anusara School provides the application of Tantric philosophy and principles of alignment. The vinyasa practice incorporates heat and flow into a dynamic approach to yoga.

Diana is an architectural researcher and yogini living in Zurich and learning around the globe. After years of studentship at Pure Yoga Singapore, Diana has completed over 600 hours of teacher training in Hong Kong (Yoga Alliance Certified), under the guidance of Rinat Pearlman and Patrick Creelman, founder of Pure Yoga and pillar in the yoga community throughout Asia. She teaches a strong practice focused on skillful alignment, intelligent action and steady breath, allowing students to access and build upon their own strength & intelligence.

She has continued her education with a training in Yin Yoga at Pure Yoga Singapore and several workshops with international yoga teachers such as Kino Macgregor, Noah Maze, Chris Chaves, Patrick Beach and Carling Harps.

Her practice finds inspiration in everyday life, in as much as in art, design, literature and philosophy. Diana’s classes are taught in English.

    Yoga Studio



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      Nordstrasse 195, Zürich, Switzerland

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