NY Integrated Health

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Mission: I am committed to improving the health of every client or person who asks for my advice and guidance.

NY Integrated Health assesses a person’s unique nutritional needs and addresses challenges in order to achieve optimal physiological function and exercise performance. The foundational principles include an educational diet plan, nutritive supplementation and a healthy lifestyle strategy to assist clients reach their desired goals. Lab testing (blood, saliva, urine) might be required to address chronic sub-clinical imbalances. Benefits include, but are not limited to: increased energy, successful weight management, balanced blood sugar, healthy digestion, pain reduction, emotional stability, optimal function and well being. You deserve to be, perform and feel your best!

Nutritional Counseling: Consultations in person, by phone or email.
Please contact Rika Keck/NY Integrated Health regarding rates for individual packages.
You are welcome to contact Rika @NYintegratedhealth to schedule a complementary start-up session.

Nutritional and Lifestyle Coaching Programs:
* Weight-loss Program: 3 or 6 months nutritional and coaching program to assist you to reach your desired goals.
* Comprehensive Health Program (six month program): nutritional counseling, Advanced Metabolic Typing, exercise program analysis, a monthly Psych-K session with guided meditation to unlock subconcious limitations.
* Advanced Metabolic Typing Package (Healthexcel): a customized, genetic based, nutritional analysis, optimal food choices and food eliminations, menu planning and food preparation.
* "Mom-To-Be' / 'Dad-To-Be' Nutrition Program:pre-pregnancy health program before creating or adding to the family.
* 'Grow & Grow' Healthy Pregnancy Package to support the mom and child-to-be.
*'Spring Cleaning' - 30 day nutritional and supplement program: cleansing, detoxifying and rejuvenating!
* Psych-K: 'Get out of your own way', unblock imposed limiting belief patterns in your subconcious mind, free yourself to reach your full potential and self empowerment.
* Guided Meditation: one-on-one or group/office setting
* Exercise Consultant: sports specific training, post therapy re-hab, cardiovascular conditioning, stretching, improved posture and function, strength training - all levels are welcome

    Hospital, Health/Beauty, Professional Service

   (646) 285-8588

      310 West End Ave, # 3D, New York, United States

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