Natural Healing Journeys

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bringing awareness about you and your one ability to grow and heal yourself

When we combine a Reiki session with our mindfulness walking meditation and incorporate Bachflower Remedy advise (flower essence ), it rejuvenates body, mind and spirit.

Leading to the development of an enhanced balance in our lives.

The Reiki session lasts about 45 minutes and has a deep relaxation effect on us.

Our mindfulness walking meditation is about one and a half hours through parts of Grotto Bay's pristine private nature reserve, along the coast line and inland

Team Members

My spiritual path to Reiki started in the beginning of 2014 I signed up and took an Usui Reiki class at the Reiki Centre Bookholzberg Germany

After months of practicing Reiki on friends, family and at the Reiki Centre itself, I developed a passion for Reiki and became an Usui Reiki Master. I was born in Germany and lived quite a normal life. After many years of working in a Kindergarten, raising two kids, getting married the second time, I realized I missed something in my life. I felt tired and burned out. A situation occurred in my life that put me on an entirely different course. I reached a point where I needed a start over, something to bring me back in touch with myself. That was the moment I decided to start with Reiki, this was the best decision I have ever made. My husband Lisle is from South Africa and he has supported me on my new path. Lisle has his first degree in Reiki and has been a student of Lama Tsultrim Gyatsho where he has obtained many rare instructions and teachings on various kinds of meditation, specializing in concentration awareness, emptiness and on the nature of mind, He loves to teach meditation in conjunction with Western, Eastern and Buddhist philosophy. To complete the positive changes in our lives, we decided to move to South Africa and start a Retreat Centre where we could help people find there own way in achieving a more balanced life style and the tools to deal with the modern day to day obstacles in their lives What we enjoy the most about our work is the ability to help individuals to find more balance and harmony in their lives. The main focus of our Centre is self- help.
We provide gentle and empowering tools to support our clients to come into a deeper relationship with themselves to balance the energetics of their current life situations

    Health/Beauty, Bed and Breakfast, Alternative & Holistic Health Service

   071 130 2488

      Seagull close Grotto Bay, Cape Town, South Africa

  Internal parking

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