Felicia's Defensive Line

Learn to use essential oils to support your health and wellness. So you can sleep better, breathe better, and just plain do life better.

I have helped many women and families support their health and wellness since Spring 2009. I love what I do and I love that I can do it from home. I have a large team and also have had the privilege to be able to support many as they grow their own personal businesses.

In addition, I have a special place in my heart to help busy wives like me support their health and wellness. As a football coach's wife, we have moved all across the country in support of my husband's career in football. I have much love for ladies that do that. We love it and at the same time, we know it can be rigorous.

My business has been special to our family as we do the football thing. I'm embracing you wives, moms of athletes, athletes themselves, and any busy wives that do what we do...drop everything and move when we have to, drive our beloved sons to practices, and some of us are athletes ourselves. I'm here to tell you that my business can support that kind of lifestyle. Keep you a healthy body and business. I know us moms. The most important thing to us is to keep our family healthy. You will be able to hang with the best in that department. Better yet, a new standard has been set.

P.S. You husbands of wives, especially coaches, check out what I'm doing, your wife and whole family will benefit from my page. And when she is happy, we all know that everybody is happy.

*Limitations of this information and liability

Please remember that I'm not a doctor, nor am I a trained healthcare professional. The information on this page is for informational purposes only, and you should never rely solely on the information here especially if you have any serious healthcare needs. You remain responsible for what you do with this information, determining for yourself what is right or wrong for you.

Since I'm not a licensed physician and can't diagnose or prescribe for you, any application of the information on this page constitutes the explicit waiver of any liability on my part.

    Servizio di medicina olistica e alternativa, Salute/bellezza

      Lawrence, United States

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