Fat Loss Feast

No more body shaming, no more food guilt! Be happy and healthy before anything else!

Fat Loss Feast came about due to me being a personal trainer who struggled with his own weight. At one point I gained a massive four stone of pure body fat and looked like what can be described as a little cannonball. I didn't want to leave the house, I hated my body and walking up a flight of stairs was a exercise session in itself. I knew at this point my whole approach needed to change because how could a food lover (mmmm pizza) do well on a diet. I realised I had always struggled with strict diets so instead worked on the most sensible approach I could think, a healthy balanced lifestyle. I developed really healthy Fat Loss Feast recipes, healthier alternative Fat Loss Feast recipes and the occasional not so healthy (mmmmm cake) Fat Loss Feast recipes. At this point something crazy happened, I started to lose weight. Not just that, 100s of people world wide started eating these recipes and they started to lose weight too. This has led me to be published in magazines and even my own cooking TV show.

Now I want to help you.

Make sure you give my Fat Loss Feast a like and try out all of the tasty recipes I post.

Stop dieting and start living.

    Fitness Trainer, Public Figure


      South Shields, United Kingdom

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