End-of-Life Navigation

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Shannon Calvert is a graduate of The Institute of Traditional Medicine’s Contemplative End of Life Care and Palliative Massage programs. She have a BA in Sociology from King's College Western University.
Shannon is an end-of-life educator and support person, assisting people to prepare estate plans, advance care plans, death and funeral plans, as well as to create legacy projects (writings, photos, art, etc.). She provides support and companionship to individuals and their families as they navigate the practical, social and spiritual aspects of dying.
Shannon is involved on many levels with dying and death-care in her community. She is a board member of the Funeral Consumers Advocacy of London and Windsor, a Death Café facilitator, and a hospice volunteer providing palliative massage to clients at home and in the St Joseph Hospice residence.
Shannon lives in London, Ontario with her husband and across the street from one of the joys of her life, heryoung grandson!

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service


      London, Canada

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