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DreamWeaving Technique & Fitness™ (DWT/F™) helps provide the perspective needed to promote optimal health and balance for body/mind/emotion/spirit.

DreamWeaving℠ helps provide the perspective needed to promote optimal health and balance for body/mind/emotion/spirit, highlighting holographic truth for the soul. The founder, Dr. Denise M. Michel, believes living a healthy, balanced life aligned with personal truth is inhospitable to any dis-ease process.

A Certified DreamWeaving℠ practitioner undergoes extensive training for Self-healing and the administration of suggestions to recipients of this unique perspective of healing.

The healing modalities utilized within DreamWeaving℠ are all commonly used healing modalities and lifestyles, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, Western Medicine and science (also known as allopathic medicine), Indigenous teachings, Buddhist teachings, as well as many other useful sources of information. These teachings are integrated into one cohesive attempt to address the core holistic personality, in a holographic way, of the recipient(s) of a DWT/F™ assessment. The purpose of this is to promote stability, awareness, balance, and poetic presence for that individual or group.

Certified DreamWeaving℠ Practitioners do this by offering consultations, hands-on aromatherapy applications, fitness and/or life coaching, and strive to live exemplary lives. We practice what we teach!

There are currently six Certified DreamWeaving℠ Practitioners in the United States. Active practitioners may be found in California, Iowa, Indiana, and New Mexico.

PM Dr. Denise M. Michel to set up an appointment for a consultation or for more information.

Disclaimer: DreamWeaving℠ is not a cure for any disease or disease process. All material provided on this page is done so for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your health care professional or physician. The information provided on this page or by its users are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

    Region, Alternative & Holistic Health Service

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      Los Angeles, United States

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