Anahata Horse Centre

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Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning

The Anahata Horse Centre offers FEEL (Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning) workshops or one on one sessions facilitating personal growth, deepening of self awareness and intuitive insight through the wisdom of the horse. Experience the way of the horse through interactive ground exercises – no horse or riding experience necessary.

Sensitive and authentic by nature, horses have a lot to offer humans who generally live in competitive, tense, high paced and technological world. The gentle and transformational process of working with horses enables you to:

* Learn the art of listening and non-verbal communication
* Understand the depth and wisdom of your body’s intelligence
* Understand the message behind the emotions
* Enhance Self awareness and intuitive skills
* Build Self confidence and align with your strengths
* Experience empowerment and inner balance
* Experience the power of being in the moment
* Learn to set healthy boundaries
* Develop leadership skills
* Re-connect with your Authentic self and voice
* Discover your own inner wisdom through the wisdom of the horse

Workshops take place in the rolling hills of Bancroft, Ontario or at Monaghan Heights Stables located in South Monaghan, Ontario.



      152 Charles Road, RR#1, Bancroft, Canada

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