Serenity By Kevin

Serenity NLP Therapy & Coaching is a fast-acting change therapy. Forget the old slow approach to things, here is where change can happen in an instant.

Serenity NLP Hypnotherapy & Coaching, Can deal and help with a whole host of issues. We Specialise in real life counselling, And can help overcome many difficulties we face day to day. We also have a specialised NLP practitioner who concentrates on Relationship breakdowns and can help deal with the stress and strains a break up may cause. We also cover the following areas and can help improve your life in relation to,

Life coaching
Resourcefulness in career and relationships
Achieving your goals
Success in sports
Habits and addictions
Healing mind and body
Self image and self esteem
Public speaking
Chronic pain
Chronic illness
Asthma and allergies
Fears and phobias
Past trauma
Eating disorders
Weight control
Business coaching

    Terapeuta, Allenatore personale



      7 Wellington Square, Ayr, United Kingdom

  Innenparkplätze, Parken auf der Straße

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