Imaginal Health

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Imaginal Health

Imaginal Health is founded and owned by Prune Harris, A medical intuitive able to see energy since birth, Prune helps facilitate optimum health and vitality. She lives in Cornwall, UK, and is the founded Imaginal Health to bring awareness and consciousness to the health and harmony of Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.
Prune is a certified Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and one of Donna Eden’s core faculty in Europe and America. A passionate educator whose primary objective is self-empowerment through knowledge and understanding of energy, she has authored dozens of articles, writes weekly blogs and founded the Consciousness Energetics program.

Through Consciousness Energetics, Prune enables individuals, families, community groups and corporations to align their whole-system energies. Such alignment is achieved with sustainability and an understanding that each one of us is part of a matrix of connectiveness and, as such, all actions, thoughts and intentions carry the energetic potential to either enhance, stagnate or damage this vast matrix of connection.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service

   07534 086644


      71 Tehidy Road, Par, United Kingdom

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