B. Good Yoga

Abstimmen 4.9 (Durchschnitt von 17 Meinungen)

Creating Union Between Mind, Body & Spirit.

Alisha B. Good M.A. LMHCA RYT-200

For those of you who are interested in B. Good Yoga whether it be a one-on-one session or a community class with me...

I am not defined by my level of education, career, or age. I am not defined by my body shape, flexibility or asana practice. I am constantly evolving. I am on a path. My path isn’t a straight line; it’s a spiral; a labyrinth.

I believe in continuous transformation in this spiraling, sacred space where time slows down and the potential for growth and change is palpable.

Walking a labyrinth is life—the path shifts in unexpected ways, sometimes diverting you from your goal, but ultimately leading you to the center. Unlike a maze, there are no dead-ends and you can't get lost.

In the present, I may not understand life's challenges and what seems to feel like an endless amount of obstacles. However, I continually come back to things I thought I once understood to recognize the deeper truth and meaning behind those lessons.

My mission is to inspire and empower individuals; to challenge how they view their environment and relationship with themselves; to guide them peacefully through the darkness until they recognize and believe how much light they radiate into this world.

Yoga to me is about going inward to find unconditional love; unconditional love for ourselves. In order to send love out into the universe I must love myself first. Ultimately, to love is to recognize myself in another. Because at the deepest level of being, I am striving to be ‘one’ with all that is.

I came to yoga not to conquer the poses, but conquer myself consider myself a lifelong student of yoga on an infinite journey to self; creating union between body, mind, and spirit. Yoga is a 24 hour practice a transformation that could never be translated into words.

Remember one thing when attending one of my classes: you have the absolute BEST teacher in the entire world…

and that teacher is YOU!.


    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Yoga Studio, Mental Health Service

   (586) 850-5297



      Key Largo, United States


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