Anions Healthy Wears 負離子健康衣服

Abstimmen 4.9 (Durchschnitt von 43 Meinungen)

A safe and natural self-heal healthcare for you & family. Alternate treatment for cancer, chronic deceases, insomia & etc 您及家人最安全自然的保健疗法,远离癌症、慢性病、失眠等困扰!

*** Function of Anions to Health :
1. Blood Purification
2. Increase of Cell Metabolism
3. Strengthen Immune System
4. Balance the Autonomic Nerves

*** According to Asian Medical Journal :

The amount of negative ion (per 1cc of air) :
1,000 - 2,000 : It is good for your health
5,000 - 50,000 : Able to strengthen our body's resistance and improve immunity
100,000 - 500,000 : Helps our body to self heal (improve illness)

*** Absorption of Anions by book titled "Negatively Ions Treatment"
15% absorption of anions through breathing
85% absorption of anions through our skin
~ Therefore, our body can absorb 100% anions by wearing anions clothing

1. 血液的淨化作用
2. 抵抗力的增強作用
3. 細胞活化作用
4. 自律神經的平衡作用

*** 根據《亞洲醫學雜誌》報導:

1,000 - 2,000 : 對人體健康有幫助
5,000 - 50,000 : 能增加人體的抵抗力及免疫力
100,000 - 500,000 : 對疾病有治療的作用

*** 《負離子健康法》,書中提及負離子之吸收方式:
由呼吸(耳、鼻、喉)吸收僅達 15%
透過皮膚吸收可達 85%
~ 穿著負離子健康衣服,就可以由呼吸吸收,有可以由皮膚吸收,達到100%的吸收效果!

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Health/Beauty, Fashion Designer


      Taiwan, United States, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Seremban, Malaysia

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