A. Orie Cosmetics

Created by Ardre Orie to create lips that speak life and ladies who love themselves first!

CEO and I Love Me Cosmetics Founder Ardre Orie developed a love for beauty products at a young age. She fell in love with sweet scents and all things beautiful.
Moreover, after becoming an entrepreneur, Orie dreamed of a way to open the doors of entrepreneurship and economic independence for other women and girls.
In 2009, Orie founded the Pink Wish Foundation a non-profit organization that would serve to alleviate economic distress and self-destructive behaviors of girls and women. Orie resolved that she did not want to ever stop being of service because of a lack of grant funding or donations so she worked tirelessly to create a business model that would offer meaningful products and the priceless treasure of funding to save the lives of girls and women forever.

I Love Me will utilize a portion of proceeds from products sold to provide summer employment for teen girls in poverty and help fund college savings plans.

"Not only can women look fabulous on the outside when they use our products but they can also feel beautiful on the inside for making a difference in the lives of other aspiring young women by making a simple purchase", Orie said.

    Cosmetics Store, Health/Beauty

   (770) 609-9833



      500 N Michigan Ave, Suwanee, United States

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